About Ensayos workshop at Paris Climat 2015:
The artists from Ensayos (Randi Nygård, Christy Gast, Carolina Saquel and Karolin Tampere) shared performative tools and radical listening techniques developed through fieldwork experiments focusing on sensitizing to, being with or becoming non-human actors in Patagonia and the Arctic. The delegates were trained in (re-)presentation, presence and interaction through activities inspired by the Forum theater as practiced by Augosto Boal.
About Make It Work–Paris Climat 2015:
On 29, 30 and 31 May, 2015, at Nanterre-Amandiers, a unique experiment will take place. It will be a political, diplomatic, scientific and artistic experiment; one in the spirit of learning for all who participate. For three days, 200 students from around the world will take part in a public simulation of the UNFCCC international climate negotiations, COP21, which will take place in Paris in December. The conference marks a major deadline in a race against time and against the effects of global climate change, with its many devastating consequences so apparent today, and certainly in the future.