As part of ‘Down in the Bog: Hibernation’ we invite you to a special concert with Elina Waage Mikalsen. She will perform a special live set into the bog, based on her newest cassette Geardu gierdu – Bone pieces.
Saturday, April 13 2024
Doors open at 7pm
We are open til 9:30
Free admission, please register for a free ticket as we have limited capacity:
Mellomvegen 82, Tromsø
«Geardu gierdu – Bone pieces is a sensitive and expressive exploration of the nighttime and it’s transformational powers. Through improvisations later restructured and recomposed, Sámi artist and experimental musician Elina Waage Mikalsen works with voice, fieldrecording and her grandmothers suohpponstuolet (loom). Together this constitutes the stem for her music, which does not move forward, but in circles.»
This is her second release with Breton Cassette following up Rođu Govkkit Glenner i Vier from 2020.
Listen to, and get them here:
Elina Waage Mikalsen is a Sami-Norwegian interdisciplinary artist, musician and composer from Romsa/Tromsø, Sápmi. In her sound practice, she often mix field recordings, voice, electronics and home-built instruments to create sonic spaces that exist somewhere between reality and fantasy. A place where untold stories and cosmologies layer over us, or perhaps push the curtain aside. It is the emotional and narrative properties of sound that interests her, and how sound can function as a time machine that causes time to collapse and sets both past and future in motion. For the past two years, she has been artist-in-residence at the Borealis Festival for experimental music, where she focuses on Sami ways of listening, sound-based practices and experimental approaches.
‘Down in the Bog: Hibernation’ is an exhibition and a place for learning and sharing from peatlands around the world, arguing for the need of increased attention and care. ‘Hibernation’ is the first of the three chapters of the overall project ‘Down in the Bog – Thinking with Peatlands’. Slowly growing, like peat forming, this project-in-process is composed by Karolin Tampere. The works on display, the discursive and live program, aim at large to give poetic, imaginative and dreamlike nutrition to more sturdy layers of awareness, knowledge and care. To together learn from the ecosystems of Peatlands.
The project will continue its second chapter Sporulation presented at EKKM (Estonian Contermporary Art Museum) in Tallinn June 14 – September 1 2024, to return to Tromsø with the third and deepest layer. The symposium ‘Thinking with Peatlands’ will respond to the resonances activated alongside the forming of the previous chapters. Save the date for the 3 day symposium September 27-29 2024
The project is supported by the Art Council Norway